Damaged PowerBook G4

Damaged PowerBook G4

Every once in a while we get machines so badly damaged that people outside work (yes we do talk about unusual stuff to others) don’t believe us when we tell them what was done to these computers.

Earlier this week we received a computer (Powerbook G4) which looks like it’s been dropped, kicked, stomped on and then attacked with a screw driver. Pictures above don’t do it justice as they were taken by an older Treo, but in any event you can clearly see the extent of most damages.

I know that there machines haven’t been purchased by the individuals using them (provided by the university), but I still can’t fully understand this complete disregard for technology and property of your employer. Sadly, damaged computers are not the only example of this wasteful and selfish behavior. Lights are left on when not needed; printers are used as copiers; everything gets printed, even things that won’t be read…and the list goes on.

There are plenty of people who would love to receive a new computer every four years (it used to be three) at work and I hope that some of repeat offenders will learn to appreciate what they have and take better care of it.

Comments 2

  1. They should be fined for that. I suppose a big chunk of tuition goes towards employee disregard for company equipment. Gosh, I could only imagine the stories you have with this job…

  2. Post


    you are absolutely correct and if it was up to me they would be fined. However, for some reason they keep getting away with it and until they have to pay for this negligence themselves they won’t learn.

    Stories…you have no idea, maybe I should start compiling them together and publish annually. 😉

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